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VB.net copy table from 1 database (ODBC) to another (Access) without using select into

I am using VB.Net and need to copy 9 tables from an ODBC connection (Gupta database) to an Access database. I can not use the sql statement SELECT INTO..... as the odbc connection doesn't support this. In vb6 I have used:

 Set rsCopierenTabel = New Recordset
    sqlCopierenTabel = "SELECT * FROM " & tblTabel
    rsCopierenTabel.Open sqlCopierenTabel, conUnit4, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

    If rsCopierenTabel.RecordCount > 0 Then

        Set rsPlakkenTabel = New Recordset
        sqlPlakkenTabel = "SELECT * FROM " & strTabel
        rsPlakkenTabel.Open sqlPlakkenTabel, conAccess, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

            Do Until rsCopierenTabel.EOF


                    For i = 0 To rsCopierenTabel.Fields.Count - 1

                       rsPlakkenTabel.Fields(i) = rsCopierenTabel.Fields(i)

                    Next i



        Set rsPlakkenTabel = Nothing

    End If

    Set rsCopierenTabel = Nothing

But this is for vb6 and now I am using VB.Net. Isn't there an easy way to do this? I have looked into datasets which have a link to the connection, but always to the same connection as in which they were filled.

Could somebody point me to the right way? I don't want to loop the columns as I don't know the names of the columns. (that is why fields(i) are so easy)

Thanks in advance, Brian

You could read the source tables in a DataSet , that would hold the 9 DataTable objects. The rows in those DataTable objects would all have a RowState of Unchanged . Loop the rows in each DataTable and use the SetAdded method on each row.

Once the rows are in an Added row state you can use the following code block to save them to your DB:

Private Sub UpdateAddedRows(MyDbAdapter As DbDataAdapter, dt As DataTable)
  Dim AddedRows As DataRow() = dt.[Select](Nothing, Nothing, DataViewRowState.Added)
  If AddedRows.Length > 0 Then
    Dim InsertCommand As DbCommand = NewDbCommand()
    Dim SQL As String = "INSERT INTO " & Convert.ToString(dt.TableName) & " ("
    Dim Vals As String = ""
    Dim dc As List(Of String) = ColumnList(dt)
    For dcInx As Integer = 0 To dc.Count - 1
        Dim p As DbParameter = DataColumnParameter(dt.Columns(dc(dcInx)))
        If dcInx > 0 Then
            SQL += ", "
            Vals += ", "
        End If
        SQL += dc(dcInx)
        Vals += ParamNameDecorated(p.ParameterName)
    SQL += ") VALUES (" & Vals & ")"

    InsertCommand.CommandText = SQL
    MyDbAdapter.InsertCommand = InsertCommand
  End If
End Sub

This code block can be called to read one of the source tables:

Private Function GetData(ByRef ds As DataSet, TableName As String, SQL As String, pst As Boolean) As DataSet
  Dim MyDbAdapter As DbDataAdapter = NewDbDataAdapter()
  Dim MyDbCommand As DbCommand = NewDbCommand()
  MyDbCommand.CommandText = SQL

  If ds Is Nothing Then
    ds = New DataSet()
  End If
  If ds.Tables.Contains(TableName) Then
  End If
  Dim dt As New DataTable(TableName)

  MyDbAdapter.SelectCommand = MyDbCommand
  MyDbAdapter.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey

    MyDbAdapter.Fill(ds, TableName)
  Catch ex As Exception
    Debug.Print("Exception getting data. " + ex.Message)
  End Try
  Return ds
End Function

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