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Call method from abstract class when abstract method called in the derived class

I'm making a user interface in XNA with a custom control setup. I have a base abstract class called Clickable , this contains methods that are run when various actions happen, Ie; OnClick , OnRelease .

I have tried to implement listeners into this, i use the below two methods to get this to work:

public void RegisterClickListener(Action<Vector2> ClickMethod)

public void OnClickMethod(Vector2 pos)
    foreach (Action<Vector2> func in listners)

RegisterClickListener adds the method passed in the parameters to a list of methods to be called when the OnClickMethod method fires. OnClickMethod simply iterates through the list and calls each method.

I need a way to be able to call OnClickMethod each time my abstract method OnClick (bellow) is called. Currently i have to to manually invoke OnClickMethod each time i use OnClick , which is not ideal.

 public abstract void OnClick(Vector2 pos);

Is there a way i can do this while keeping OnClick abstract? Or will i have to take off the abstract and call base each time i use it?

You're looking for Template method pattern . Create a method which acts as a template(does some steps in fixed order), then give the client options to override only small portion of it.

public void OnClick(Vector2 pos)

public abstract void OnClickCore(Vector2 pos);

Now OnClick is a template method which defines set of rules that need to be invoked when it is called.

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