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How to call to a servlet from jsp without scriptles?

I am new to jsp and I have created jsp page to search something. I have written servlet as well. But I don't know hot to make the interaction between those.

My web.xml looks like


My servlet name is HotelSearch.java and Search page is Default.jsp and I want to redirect to SearchResults.jsp after the servlet call.

Can anyone expalain me how to do this.Thanks in advance.

step 1: load default.jsp i guess you have a form to submit the search query like

  <form method="post" action="HotelSearch">
  //action is your url pattern and method is your choice get or post
    // your text box

step 2: Now perform your business logic for search in your servlet then put your result data in request

 req.setAttribute("key",value); //value is object

 dispatch your request with data to `SearchResults.jsp` 

step 3: display data in SearchResults.jsp using req.getAttribute("key")


Best way is to configure jsp file in web.xml


Now you can use


So you would want to:

  1. Use form to send data to servlet from first jsp:

    <form action="servlet_url"> <input type="submit" ... > </form>

  2. Redirect from servlet to second jsp:


On the Client

Make sure your tag has the action set correctly:

<c:set var="ctx" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}"/>
<FORM action="${ctx}/HotelSearch">
    <input type="text" name="queryString">

In the Servlet

response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/SearchResults.jsp");

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