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Update mysql in select statement

my problem is easy to explain: In my config file from pure-ftp there is only one INSERT-Statement allowed to read the password. It is like this:

SELECT password FROM ftpuser WHERE userid = "\L"

"\\L" is the placeholder for the userid. It works perfectly, but I need to count the access to the ftp-server. There is a field in this table called "accessed". So I need to run this SQL, too:

UPDATE ftpuser SET accessed = accessed + 1 WHERE userid = "\L"

Is there any way to bring this two statements to one, with "password" as result? Or is there another way to trigger the access from pure-ftp, maybe? Thank you very much!


If it's a question of preserving atomicity, then provided your table is stored using a transactional engine (eg InnoDB), you can wrap the whole thing in a transaction with a locking read :

SELECT password FROM ftpuser WHERE userid = '\L' FOR UPDATE;
UPDATE ftpuser SET accessed = accessed + 1 WHERE userid = '\L';

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