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python decorator, decorate a recursive function to run it many times

I have a recursive function (f calls itself):

def f(x) : 

I want to run this function multiple times. I use the following decorator:

def iter_f(func) : 
    def newf(x):
        for i in range(10):  
    return newf
def f(x): a RECURSIVE function.

When i call f(x), I am calling a function that iterate itself infinite times.I am curious what is the solution still using decorator, without wrap f inside a new function g, and decorate g.


Thanks for point out that the problem was due to f is recursive.

Decorating recursive functions in python this post has a similar problem, maybe this is not a good place to use decorator?

This should work

def iter_f(func):
    def newf(*args, **kwargs):
        for i in range(10):
            func(*args, **kwargs)
    return newf

def f(x):

Try this:

def iter_f(func) : 
    def newf(x):
        for i in range(10):  
    newf._original = func
    return newf

def f(x):
    call f._original(y)

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