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picture box image does not change in C#

I want to change picture's box image when my board(a USB module) is joined or disjoined to computer. But I think my thread will execute just one time. And picture box's image won't change.

my code:

bool boardjoined = false;
void BoardConnecion()
    foreach (var item in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
        if (item == "COM3")
            boardjoined = true;
            DisplayImage(_pic_usb, "on.png");
            boardjoined = false;
            DisplayImage(_pic_usb, "off.png");


public Form1()


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    _pic_usb.Image = Bitmap.FromFile(Application.StartupPath + @"\off.png");

    new Thread(new ThreadStart(BoardConnecion)).Start();


private void DisplayImage(PictureBox pic, string picName)
    pic.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
        pic.Image = Bitmap.FromFile(Application.StartupPath +@"\" + picName);

You can do a never ending loop in the BoardConnection.

    void BoardConnecion()
            foreach (var item in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
                if (item == "COM3")
                    boardjoined = true;
                    DisplayImage(_pic_usb, "on.png");
                    boardjoined = false;
                    DisplayImage(_pic_usb, "off.png");


You should proabably add a safety switch to get out of the loop to. =)

you can use below mentioned code

private System.Timers.Timer timerClock = new System.Timers.Timer();    
timerClock.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimer);
timerClock.Interval = 1000;
timerClock.Enabled = true;

public void OnTimer( Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e )
    foreach (var item in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
            if (item == "COM3")
                boardjoined = true;
                DisplayImage(_pic_usb, "on.png");
                boardjoined = false;
                DisplayImage(_pic_usb, "off.png");


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