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How can I get last transaction details for every customer in Mysql?

I am trying to get the latest transaction for each customer from a Mysql database where each customer may have a different number of transaction records.

Here Mysql table:


This table i have mentioned the rows which have bold (style), these bold rows are last transaction records.I want every customer last transaction.

I except answer is below one.


I need mysql query for this selected records.

You'll want to take the MAX of your transaction date to find the most recent transaction. As this is an aggregate function you'll also want to GROUP BY your cus_id . This result then gives you the latest date for a customer so you can then join the rest of the data against that cus_id and tranc_date combination.

The query will look something like this:

SELECT cus_tranc.cus_id,
FROM cus_tranc 
  SELECT cus_id,
         MAX(tranc_date) AS 'tranc_date'
  FROM cus_tranc
  GROUP BY cus_id) max_tranc ON cus_tranc.cus_id = max_tranc.cus_id AND cus_tranc.tranc_date = max_tranc.tranc_date

You can see the results of this in this SQL Fiddle .

SELECT cus_id,
       MAX(tranc_date) AS 'tranc_date'
FROM cus_tranc
GROUP BY cus_id
ORDER BY MAX(tranc_date)
SELECT cus_id,tranc_amt,tranc_type,tranc_date    
FROM cus_tranc    
WHERE tranc_date IN (SELECT MAX(tranc_date)
                     FROM cus_tranc
                     GROUP BY cus_id);

A very simple query will do the trick here,

SELECT cus_id, 
MAX(tranc_date) as "tranc_date" 
FROM cus_tranc
GROUP BY cus_id

A simple grouping on customer ids, followed by selecting only the max value out of all possible dates per customer id.

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