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Emacs and CWB under Windows

I'm trying to use the Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench ( http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/perdita/cwb/ ) with Emacs under Windows. I have placed the file cwb.el under C:\\emacs\\emacs-22.3\\emacs-stuff. My .emacs file is located at C:\\emacs and has the following content:

(setq load-path             ; Look in my own library first.
      (cons (expand-file-name "C:\emacs\emacs-22.3\emacsstuff")
(autoload 'cwb "cwb" "Run a CWB process." t)
(autoload 'cwb-file-mode "cwb" "Major mode for editing CWB source." t)
(add-hook 'cwb-load-hook
   (lambda ()
 (setq cwb-program-name "cwb7")))) ;; only necessary if your v7 isn't
                                       ;; called cwb

Yet, when I enter "Mx cwb", I get "Cannot open load file: cwb".

I tried to follow the instruction here: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/perdita/cwb/doc/emacs.html .


In Emacs Lisp strings, backslash is an escape character, similar to C, so "C:\\emacs\\emacs-22.3\\emacsstuff" ends up being "C:^[macs^[macs-22.3^[macsstuff" . (You can try it with either M-: or Mx ielm .)

You can either write the path with forward slashes instead ( "C:/emacs/emacs-22.3/emacsstuff" ) or use double backslashes ( "C:\\\\emacs\\\\emacs-22.3\\\\emacsstuff" ).

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