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Ember Data loading hasMany relation doesn't work in Ember App Kit (EAK)

I'm trying to set up a hasMany relationship between two models and a hasOne (belongsTo in the current version of Ember Data) between the hasMany and hasOne.

I'm working with Ember Data and have a made a RESTful API that works according to Ember's conventions. All the classes can be queried individually.

Bookmark    = hasMany   -> Termbinding
Termbinding = belongsTo -> Term
Term        = belongsTo -> Termbinding

So the goal is to fetch a Bookmark and get the Terms that are attached to it through the Termbinding . I would already be pretty happy to get the Bookmark to Termbinding relation working. I went through all questions posted on here, sadly enough that didn't work.


var Router = Ember.Router.extend();

Router.map(function() {

   this.resource('bookmarks', { path:'bookmarks'});
   this.resource('bookmark', { path:'bookmarks/:bookmark_id' });

   this.resource('termbindings', { path:'termbindings' });
   this.resource('termbinding', { path:'termbindings/:termbinding_id' });


export default Router;


var Bookmark = DS.Model.extend({
   url: DS.attr('string'),
   description: DS.attr('string'),
   visits: DS.attr('number'),
   termbinding: DS.hasMany('termbinding')

export default Bookmark;


var Termbinding = DS.Model.extend({
   bookmarkId: DS.attr('number'),
   termId: DS.attr('number'),
   termOrder: DS.attr('number'),
   bookmarks: DS.belongsTo('bookmark')

export default Termbinding;

I hope someone can help me because this is preventing me from using Ember for my bookmark application. Thanks in advance.

It might be wise to explicitly specify your inverses, ie

var Termbinding = DS.Model.extend({
  bookmarkId: DS.attr('number'),
  termId: DS.attr('number'),
  termOrder: DS.attr('number'),
  bookmarks: DS.belongsTo('bookmark', { inverse: 'termbinding' })

export default Termbinding;

var Bookmark = DS.Model.extend({
  url: DS.attr('string'),
  description: DS.attr('string'),
  visits: DS.attr('number'),
  termbinding: DS.hasMany('termbinding', { inverse: 'bookmarks' })

export default Bookmark;

Ember Data will try to map inverses for you, however, it is not without faults. It could possibly be that your pluralization of 'bookmarks' on a DS.belongsTo relationship is throwing off its automatic inverse mapping. Typically for belongsTo you would use the singular, 'bookmark'. Conversely, your hasMany would be termbindings: DS.hasMany('termbinding')

Also, if you could show where you're invoking the models that would be greatly appreciated. Typically I find that creating a JSbin at emberjs.jsbin.com helps me isolate the problem and also provides a collaborative space to debug and experiment.

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