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RVM installing but no Rubies with Chef-solo and Vagrant?

I am using Chef-solo, Berkshelf and Vagrant to try to build a development environment. I have other recipes working but the ' chef-rvm ' cookbook is giving me trouble for getting a ruby version installed.

To be clear, RVM is installing but when I ' vagrant ssh ' into the vbox and type ' rvm list ' it says there are no rubies installed. I can type ' rvm install 2.1.1 ' and it works so I'm not sure why Chef isn't installing it.


config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
  chef.run_list = %w[


include_recipe 'apt'
include_recipe 'rvm::user_install'


    node.set['rvm']['user_installs'] = [
    { 'user'            => 'vagrant',
      'upgrade'         => 'head',
      'default_ruby'    => '2.1.1',
      'rvm_gem_options' => '',
      'rubies' => ['2.1.1', '2.0.0-p481'],
      'global_gems'     => [
          { 'name'    => 'bundler',
            'version' => '1.6.2'
          { 'name'    => 'rake' },
          { 'name'    => 'rails' },
          { 'name'    => 'rubygems-bundler',
            'action'  => 'remove'

I thought it should be the default action, but I have the same problem as you. My solution was to include the " install_ruby " property in the json config:

node.set['rvm']['user_installs'] = [
    { 'user'            => 'vagrant',
       install_rubies: true,

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