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Selenium Grid With Page Object Model Page Factory

How would I initialize the browser if I want to test on multiple browsers using Page Object Model Page Factory?

Currently I have iniatialized the browsers in my Base Class like this.

// initialise driver/browser

 public void initDriver() throws MalformedURLException{
       cap = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
       cap.setBrowserName("firefox"); // chrome,iexplore
   }else if (CONFIG.getProperty("browser").equals("chrome")){
       cap = DesiredCapabilities.chrome(); // no need path of chrome exe
   }else if (CONFIG.getProperty("browser").equals("iexplore")){
       cap = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); // no need path of chrome exe
   if(driver == null){
       driver=new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"),cap);
   String waitTime=CONFIG.getProperty("default_implicitWait");
   driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(Long.parseLong(waitTime), TimeUnit.SECONDS);

This however only runs my test my test only on one of the browsers.

This is my testng.xml file

<suite name="Selenium Grid with webdriver" >
    <listener class-name="Codes.listener.TestsListenerAdapter" />
<test name="Login test">
        <class name="Codes.testCases.LoginTest" ></class>  

Your browser initialization seems ok but I am wondering , why cap is not initialized when driver == null You should improve your testng.xml in following way:

To Run the test methods parallely:

<suite name="Selenium Grid with webdriver" parallel="methods" thread-count="5" >
        <listener class-name="Codes.listener.TestsListenerAdapter" />
    <test name="Login test">
            <class name="Codes.testCases.LoginTest" ></class>  

Similarly you can define parallel = "classes" or parallel = "tests" to choose the parallel execution level.

As @Priyanshu mentioned, you need to change your testng.xml. I believe that you have updated your testng.xml but as per your above testng.xml file you have only one <class> in <test> , so in your cases parallel="methods" (I assume you wanna execute different test scripts in parallel and not different methods of same test script) or parallel="classes" will not work. Change it to parallel="tests" and then try running it like this :-

<suite name="Selenium Grid with webdriver" parallel="tests" thread-count="5" >
        <listener class-name="Codes.listener.TestsListenerAdapter" />
    <test name="Login test">
            <class name="Codes.testCases.LoginTest" ></class>  

    <test name="Login test2">
            <class name="Codes.testCases.LoginTest2" ></class>  

   <test name="Login test3"> 

   <!-- class etc.. etc.. -->



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