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Nodegit: How to modify a file and push the changes?

Looked around for an example, but couldn't find one. The documentation is not explained and I could not figure it out.

How to modify a file (README.md for example), create a commit for the modified file and then push the commit to the server ?

Nodegit: http://www.nodegit.org/

Nodegit documentation: http://www.nodegit.org/nodegit

There is an example of how to create/add and commit on their repo, which can help you with the modifying the file.


Regarding the commit and push, here is the snippet of how my code looks like and i hope it helps you a bit. It took me quite a bit to figure this out and thanks to the guys on Gitter , i finaly found an answer.

The code look like this:

var path = require('path');

var nodegit = require('nodegit'),
    repoFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, 'repos/test/.git'),
    fileToStage = 'README.md';

var repo, index, oid, remote;

  .then(function(repoResult) {
    repo = repoResult;
    return repoResult.openIndex();
  .then(function(indexResult) {
    index  = indexResult;

    // this file is in the root of the directory and doesn't need a full path

    // this will write files to the index

    return index.writeTree();
  .then(function(oidResult) {
    oid = oidResult;

    return nodegit.Reference.nameToId(repo, 'HEAD');
  .then(function(head) {
    return repo.getCommit(head);
  .then(function(parent) {
    author = nodegit.Signature.now('Author Name', 'author@email.com');
    committer = nodegit.Signature.now('Commiter Name', 'commiter@email.com');

    return repo.createCommit('HEAD', author, committer, 'Added the Readme file for theme builder', oid, [parent]);
  .then(function(commitId) {
    return console.log('New Commit: ', commitId);

  /// PUSH
  .then(function() {
    return repo.getRemote('origin');
  .then(function(remoteResult) {
    console.log('remote Loaded');
    remote = remoteResult;
      credentials: function(url, userName) {
        return nodegit.Cred.sshKeyFromAgent(userName);
    console.log('remote Configured');

    return remote.connect(nodegit.Enums.DIRECTION.PUSH);
  .then(function() {
    console.log('remote Connected?', remote.connected())

    return remote.push(
      'Push to master'
  .then(function() {
    console.log('remote Pushed!')
  .catch(function(reason) {

Hope this helps.

Rafael's solution works for sure although I might add that there is no needed to perform a .connect into the server. Here is a minimal approach on pushing a repo:

  • Pushing to master using only username and password authentication:

      //Previous calls }).then(function() { return repo.getRemote("origin"); //Get origin remote }).then(function(remote) { return remote.push(["refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master"], { callbacks: { credentials: function(url, userName) { console.log("Requesting creds"); return NodeGit.Cred.userpassPlaintextNew("[USERNAME]", "[PASSWORD]"); } } }); }).then(function(err) { console.log("Push error number:"); console.log(err); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }).done(function(commitId) { console.log("All done"); }) 
  • Pushing to myBranch over SSH auth:

      //Previous calls }).then(function() { return repo.getRemote("origin"); //Get origin remote }).then(function(remote) { return remote.push(["refs/heads/myBranch:refs/heads/myBranch"], { callbacks: { credentials: function(url, userName) { console.log("Requesting creds"); return NodeGit.Cred.sshKeyFromAgent(userName); } } }); }).then(function(err) { console.log("Push error number:"); console.log(err); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }).done(function(commitId) { console.log("All done"); }) 

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