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Laravel resource::all with values from another table

I'm learning Laravel right now and i have following tables and resources (models, controllers, ect.):

- id
- title
- projectID
- statusID

- id
- title

- id
- title

I have to make a list of my Tickets on the Startpage. Not nessesary to say that i need the Project- and Statustiltles and not the IDs. Currently i do:

Route::get('/', function()
    $tickets = Ticket::all();
    return View::make('layout')->with('tickets', $tickets);

My current output is:

tickets->id, tickets->title, tickets->projectID, tickets->statusID

The output i want is

tickets->id, tickets->title, tickets->projects->title, tickets->status->title

So i hope anyone can understand what i'm trying to ask here and maybe provide me some help. Thank you!

Resolution : I had to set the foreign_keys first in my DB. Then i used the relationships mentioned in the answers and it works fine.

My Model:

class Ticket extends \Eloquent {
    protected $fillable = [];

    public function project()
        return $this->hasOne('Project', 'id', 'projectID');

    public function status()
        return $this->hasOne('Status', 'id', 'statusID');

My View:

@foreach($tickets as $key => $value)
  <td>{{ $value->project->title }}</td>
  <td>{{ $value->status->title }}</td>

If you configure you relationships correctly you can do that without problems using the Laravel Eager Loading feature, for example:

Eager Loading ( Laravel docs )

Eager loading exists to alleviate the N + 1 query problem...

class Ticket extends Eloquent {

    public function project()
        return $this->belongsTo('Project', 'projectID', 'id');

    public function status()
        return $this->belongsTo('Status', 'statusID', 'id');


Now, just call the fields you want, for example:

foreach (Ticket::all() as $ticket)
    echo $ticket->project->title;
    echo $ticket->status->title;

Obs.: In your return object/array you can't see the relationships fields unless you do manual joins, etc. So, just configure your relationships and call the fields you want.

Sorry for my english

Define relationships specifying custom foreign keys (defaults would be status_id and project_id for your models):

// Ticket model
public function project()
    return $this->belongsTo('Project', 'projectID');

public function status()
    return $this->belongsTo('Status', 'statusID');

Then eager load related models:

$tickets = Ticket::with('project','status')->get();

// accessing:
foreach ($tickets as $ticket)
   $ticket->status; // Status model with all its properties
   $ticket->project; // Project model

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