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Why Collection Initialization Throws NullReferenceException

The following code throws a NullReferenceException :

internal class Foo
    public Collection<string> Items { get; set; } // or List<string>

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        new Foo()
                Items = { "foo" } // throws NullReferenceException
  1. Why don't collection initiliazers work in this case, although Collection<string> implements the Add() method, and why is NullReferenceException is thrown?
  2. Is it possible to get the collection initializer working, or is Items = new Collection<string>() { "foo" } the only correct way to initialize it?

Thanks guys. As summary collection initializer doesn't create instance of collection itself, but just uses Add() to add items to existant instance , and throws NullReferenceException if instance doesn't exist


internal class Foo
    internal Foo()
        Items  = new Collection<string>();
    public Collection<string> Items { get; private set; }

var foo = new Foo()
                    Items = { "foo" } // foo.Items contains 1 element "foo"


   internal class Foo
        internal Foo()
            Items  = new Collection<string>();
        public Collection<string> Items { get; private set; }

    var foo = new Foo()
                        Items = { "foo2" } // foo.Items contains 2 elements: "foo1", "foo2"

In your Foo constructor you want to initialize collection.

internal class Foo
    public Foo(){Items = new Collection(); }
    public Collection<string> Items { get; set; } // or List<string>

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        new Foo()
                Items = { "foo" } // throws NullReferenceException

You never instantiated Items . Try this.

new Foo()
        Items = new Collection<string> { "foo" }

To answer your second question: You need to add a constructor and initialize Items over there.

internal class Foo
    internal Foo()
        Items  = new Collection<string>();
    public Collection<string> Items { get; private set; }

Why your code throws NullReferenceException ?

Foo.Items is declared, but an instance of Collection has never been assigned, so .Items is null .


internal class Foo
    public Collection<string> Items { get; set; } // or List<string>

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        new Foo()
                Items = new Collection<string> { "foo" } // no longer throws NullReferenceException :-)

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