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PHP: How to list files of a folder in a dropdown and then select one of them according to mysql entry

I'm trying to create a dropdown listing the content of a specific folder. For that I'm using this code which works fine:

<select name="level">
    $dirname = "../images/page_images/";
    $dirhandle = opendir($dirname);
    while($file = readdir($dirhandle))
    if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
    if (is_file($dirname.$file))
    echo "<option value='" . $file .">" . $file . "</option>"; 

    echo "mappe: " . $file . "<br>";

Now I want the dropdown bar to check a mysql entry and match it so that the file written in the database is the one that is selected. For that I think my option value should luke something like this: ($pageImage is the value loaded from mysql)

  <option <?php echo ($pageImage) == $file ? "selected" : "" ?> value="$file">$file</option>

My question is, how do I merge these two scripts together?

Try this one easy way to list file name from a folder.

<select name="level">
    foreach (glob("../images/page_images/*.{jpg,gif}") as $filename) {
        echo "<option value='" . $filename .">" . $filename . "</option>"; 
echo "<option value='{$file}'" . ($pageImage == $file ? " selected" : "") . ">{$file}</option>";


echo '<option value="' . $file . '"' . ($pageImage == $file ? " selected" : "") . '>' . $file . '</option>';

Docs: PHP String Operators

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