cost 406 ms
align values in latex

i have a problem in LaTeX. I want the accuracy value centered in its cell since it is not associated with the labels but I don't know how to do it. ...

Latex: issue with Multirow

I'm using the multirow package to have multiple elements in the same row. For the columns C and C^{inv} there is just one element (instead of two) ...

Multi-Row Calculation

Suppose I have the following dataframe: I want to create a new column called 'x!'. This is calculated by taking the value in the row 'x' and multip ...

How do I do a multirow formula?

I am trying to use a multirow formula to have a new calculated column but can't quite figure it out. Suppose I my data is this: I want to create a ...

2019-04-04 19:23:59   3   86    r / multirow  

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