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Vim imap jk <Esc> not working even with escape character

i read this answer about mapping <ESC> key to jk . i tried the answer but nothing worked for me. these are i have tried in my vimrc:

inoremap jk <ESC>, inoremap jk <^[>, inoremap jk ^[, inoremap <special> jk <ESC

are they all wrong? i also tried setting cpo-=< above the mapping definition. and there is no comment after the key

here is my vimrc , the command is on the bottom of the file

im new in vim. thanks!

inoremap is spelled wrong. (I also assume you put each of those on a separate line.) This should work.

inoremap <special> jk <ESC>

<special> forces <ESC> to be act as escape regardless of what cpo is set to.

problem solved. the reason why <esc> doesnt work is because of this function in my vimrc:

if ! has("gui_running")
    set ttimeoutlen=10
    augroup FastEscape
        au InsertEnter * set timeoutlen=0
        au InsertLeave * set timeoutlen=1000
    augroup END

inoremap jk <ESC> works perfectly after getting rid of above function.

i guess its augroup FastEscape that makes <esc> mapping not working.

对于那些因标题而在此处的内容,启用:set paste时,jk映射将不起作用。

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