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Simple jquery plugin for converting json to html

I need to append this json data to an html element.


How to convert this easily using any plugin.Presently,I couldn't find any simple plugins in jquery,So please help me friends.

Thanks in advance..........

Hi you can use jPut jQuery Plugin ( http://plugins.jquery.com/jput/ )

Create a HTML jPut Template

<div jput="template">
  <a href="{{link}}">{{website}}</a>
<div id="main">

var json=[{"website":"google","link":"http://google.com"},

       jsonData:json,   //your json data
       name:'template'  //jPut template name

jPut is easy to use comparing to normal parsing. if there is lots of data to be appended it is very difficult to append using $.each loop. in jPut just need to create template & to print the data just put the object name in {{}}.

With jQuery, you could do something like this:

data = $.parseJson(json);

$.each(data, function(key, obj) {
    htmlElement = $('<a href="'+link+'">'+website+'</a>');

Why use a plugin for this? No need to write a plugin to go around this. Just simply loop it through & do what you wan't with the data. Here is an example:

var data = [

var html = '';

$.each(data, function (index, item) {
    html += '<a href="' + item.link + '">' + item.website + '</a>';


If you're expecting it to be an anchor tag then -

Html -

<div id="siteContainer"></div>


var sites = [

var $container = $('siteContainer');

$(sites).each(function(item, index){
    var name = item['website'];
    var link = item['link'];
    var anchorTag = '<a href="' + link + '">' + name + '</a>');

NO need plugin, simply iterate with each function and append anchor tag with any selector tag.

var links = [

$.each(links, function(index, object){
   $("<a></a>").attr("href", object.link).
       text( object.website).css("margin", "5px").appendTo("body");

no plugin needed, can be done without jquery too

<div id="container">



var data = [

document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = '<a href="'+data[0]['link']+'">'+data[0]['website']+'</a> >> '+data[0]['link']+' <br> <a href="'+data[1]['link']+'">'+data[1]['website']+'</a> >> '+data[1]['link']


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