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Issue with loading open cv library in app in android?

I am able to run the application using opencv in emulator with android sdk 4.4 (kitkat). But getting issue while running in device jellybean 4.2.2.

I am following this http://romanhosek.cz/android-eye-detection-and-tracking-with-opencv/ link


06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r4.3.0.so
06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r4.0.3.so
06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r4.4.0.so
06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r2.3.3.so
06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r4.2.0.so
06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r2.2.0.so
06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r4.0.0.so
06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r4.1.1.so
06-02 15:04:23.843: E/OpenCV::camera(12207): ||libnative_camera_r3.0.1.so
06-02 15:04:23.844: E/linker(12207): soinfo_relocate(linker.cpp:987): cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android17IConsumerListenerD2Ev" referenced by "libnative_camera_r4.4.0.so"...
06-02 15:04:23.846: E/linker(12207): soinfo_relocate(linker.cpp:987): cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android6Camera17setPreviewTextureERKNS_2spINS_22IGraphicBufferProducerEEE" referenced by "libnative_camera_r4.3.0.so"...
06-02 15:04:25.216: A/libc(12207): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000003 (code=1), thread 12207 (encv.samples.fd)

If anyone have idea. please reply.Thanks in advance..

You're not implementing well your classes.

You're missing something on your headers, or maybe you're missing to add shared libraries to your NDK to make.

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