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Thumbnail images not displayed Magento after clearing cache

Almost all of my thumbnail images are not displayed after I cleared Magento cache from backend. The problem is only with Thumbnail Images of sets available and similar products and related products images . All category and products pages images seems to be fine.

In order to troubleshoot I did the following:

  1. Made Media Folder globally read write and executable ( chmod -R 777 ./media )
  2. Cleared cache again and then loaded the pages.
  3. Deleted the cache folder of /var/www/media/catalog/products/cache.. Magento recreated cache still no images were displayed
  4. Increased PHP memory limit to 512MB

Any other guesses, I need to try to fix this. It's only with small thumbnail images and everything was fine until I deleted cache from backend.

check thumbnail option is assigned to image or not in admin,

If assigned then cross check that your database is having the value for that or not

1st: get thumbnail image attribute id by;

mysql> select * from eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'thumbnail';

2nd: Now check the image path for thumbnail using below query

mysql> select * from catalog_product_entity_varchar where attribute_id = 'here_your_thum_img_attr_id' AND entity_id = 'here_product_id';

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