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LibGDX: How to make tiled map tiles clickable?


That's not supported directly by libGDX as the TiledMap stuff is only for rendering.

You could easily create a Stage though, which will act as some kind of overlay-input-layer for your TiledMap. Just create an Actor for each tile which has the same size as position as that tile. Then you are able to add EventListener s to those actors to be able to recognize things like clicks on those actors.

Those actors should keep a reference to their "origin", namely TiledMapTileLayer.Cell . So you are able to go back from the actor to the cell anytime when processing those events.

The following shows how you might do it:

This Actor is responsible to catch the events and keep the information about the tile it's based on:

public class TiledMapActor extends Actor {

    private TiledMap tiledMap;

    private TiledMapTileLayer tiledLayer;

    private TiledMapTileLayer.Cell cell;

    public TiledMapActor(TiledMap tiledMap, TiledMapTileLayer tiledLayer, TiledMapTileLayer.Cell cell) {
        this.tiledMap = tiledMap;
        this.tiledLayer = tiledLayer;
        this.cell = cell;


This little listener can be attached to one of those actors and will do any kind of logic:

public class TiledMapClickListener extends ClickListener {

    private TiledMapActor actor;

    public TiledMapClickListener(TiledMapActor actor) {
        this.actor = actor;

    public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
        System.out.println(actor.cell + " has been clicked.");

The following class actually creates the actors from a given map and wires them to the listeners:

public class TiledMapStage extends Stage {

    private TiledMap tiledMap;

    public TiledMapStage(TiledMap tiledMap) {
        this.tiledMap = tiledMap;

        for (MapLayer layer : tiledMap.getLayers()) {
            TiledMapTileLayer tiledLayer = (TiledMapTileLayer)layer;

    private void createActorsForLayer(TiledMapTileLayer tiledLayer) {
        for (int x = 0; x < tiledLayer.getWidth(); x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < tiledLayer.getHeight(); y++) {
                TiledMapTileLayer.Cell cell = tiledLayer.getCell(x, y);
                TiledMapActor actor = new TiledMapActor(tiledMap, tiledLayer, cell);
                actor.setBounds(x * tiledLayer.getTileWidth(), y * tiledLayer.getTileHeight(), tiledLayer.getTileWidth(),
                EventListener eventListener = new TiledMapClickListener(actor);

Now the TiledMapStage will do all work for you. All you need to do is the following:

Stage stage = new TiledMapStage(tiledMap);

And in render(...) you need to call stage.act() . Remember to use the same Viewport for the stage as you are using to render the TiledMap. Otherwise the input and your rendered map won't be aligned.

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