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Class template specialized on generic class template

I have a family of classes for which I want to write an abstract factory. The minimal example below will give you the general idea.

My problem is that I can't figure out how to define member functions of ConcreteFactory >. clang++ reports this error:

template-class-of-template-class.cc:36:39: error: nested name specifier 'ConcreteFactory<Derived<NUM> >::' for
      declaration does not refer into a class, class template or class template partial specialization
Base* ConcreteFactory<Derived<NUM> >::construct() const

I've only been able to define them for fully specified classes, eg ConcreteFactory >. There will be an awful lot of duplicated code if I have to do it that way. Is there any way to avoid writing this boilerplate through intelligent use of templates?

#include <cstdlib>

class Base

template <typename NUM>
class Derived : public Base
  Derived(NUM const &thing) : m_thing(thing) {}
  ~Derived() {}
  NUM m_thing;

class AbstractFactory
  virtual Base *construct() const = 0;

template <class Y>
class ConcreteFactory
  Base* construct() const
    return new Y();

template <typename NUM>
template <>
Base* ConcreteFactory<Derived<NUM> >::construct() const
  return new Derived<NUM>(rand());

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  ConcreteFactory<Base> baseFact;
  ConcreteFactory<Derived<int> > intFact;
  ConcreteFactory<Derived<double> > doubleFact;
  Base* a = baseFact.construct();
  Base* b = intFact.construct();
  Base* c = doubleFact.construct();
  delete c;
  delete b;
  delete a;
  • You can't partially specialize on a member function of a template class.

  • You have to partially specialize the whole template class.

  • See corrected code below:

// partial specialization of class `ConcreteFactory`
template<typename NUM>
class ConcreteFactory<Derived<NUM>> {
    Base* construct() const { return new Derived<NUM>(rand());}

see Display .

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