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How to install 3rd party Python libraries for a single script running on AWS EC2?

I have a script that uses the nltk python library . I'm just trying to wrap my head around how one would install this library and potentially other libraries as well on AWS/EC2. This is a standalone script.

I figured it might be done with the aws cli but the documentation on Amazon seems to be lacking a bit.

Can someone help a complete Python newb with some Python and AWS?!?! :) Thanks!

Normally when you fire up an AWS instance you select an "Image".

These are called Amazon Machine Images or AMI for short.

Typically you would select say ( for example ) an "Ubuntu" AMI.

Example: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/

Select the appropriate AMI and then perform some steps similar to:

  1. Configure and Start your Instance
  2. Shell into your Instance
  3. Run: apt-get install python-setuptools
  4. Run: easy_install nltk

You may also find the Python package(s) you're looking for already available in the repositories of the Distribution/Image you've selected.

Here is the way I used:

curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python get-pip.py
# Then use pip to install 3rd party libraries
pip install selenium
# works now

I did as this article points: also using Ubuntu


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