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Grails:Replacing GORM with Hibernate class

Consider a Grails domain Class:

class Rate {
    static belongsTo = [createdUser:User]       
    static hasMany=[cancelNo:CancelNo,property:Property ]
    Long id 
    String code 
    static constraints = { 
        id ( nullable:true )
        code( nullable: true )

Consider a java Class

class Rate {            
    Long id 
    String code      

I want to remove the domain class and need to reuse the java class

I have done all the mappings in grails-app/conf/hibernate/hibernate.cfg.xml

and created a groovy file RateConstraints.groovy inside that have given correct package of hibernate java-class and this

constraints = { 
    id ( nullable:true )
    code( nullable: true )

what i want to know is, Is it possible to write mapping inside this..? ie,

static belongsTo = [createdUser:User]       
static hasMany=[cancelNo:CancelNo,property:Property ]

if it is possible then how it can be achieved..?


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