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Why don't these 3 links work?

See the yellow section under the pictures that says "Read more about /college/" on http://www.collegeinsideview.com/ .

The top 3 links don't work (for Columbia, Princeton and Brown), but the rest do. I'm getting a JS error that says Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: /columbia/academics/professors/1 . Why is this?

UPDATE After changing the JS from what it was to

$('#left > li > a').click(function (e) {

I don't get the problem anymore.


<%= link_to "Get Paid to Answer Questions", "/the-deal", id: "the_deal", class: "btn btn-link" %>
<h1 id="heading">In-Depth Reviews of Colleges</h1>
<div class="tabbable">
    <div class="tab-content">
        <div class="tab-pane fade active in" id="columbia">
            <%= image_tag "columbia1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "columbia2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "columbia3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Columbia &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/columbia/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>How does the workload impact your social life?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "columbia_social_atmosphere_7.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/columbia/social-life/social-atmosphere/7', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="princeton">
            <%= image_tag "princeton1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "princeton2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "princeton3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Princeton &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/princeton/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>How would you make your classes better?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "princeton_classes_6.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/princeton/academics/classes/6', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="brown">
            <%= image_tag "brown1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "brown2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "brown3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Brown &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/brown/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Are people intellectual? Do they have thoughtful conversations with each other?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "brown_social_atmosphere_5.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/brown/social-life/social-atmosphere/5', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="penn">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pennsylvania1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pennsylvania2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pennsylvania3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Penn &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/university-of-pennsylvania/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Are your classes too hard, or too easy? Why?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "penn_dificulty_4.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/university-of-pennsylvania/academics/difficulty/4', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="yale">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "yale1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "yale2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "yale3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Yale &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/yale/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Is it easy to make friends? How did you make friends?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "yale_social_atmosphere_1.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/yale/social-life/social-atmosphere/1', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="cornell">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "cornell1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "cornell2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "cornell3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Cornell &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/cornell/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Mary Donlon Hall</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "cornell_housing_mary_donlon_hall.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/cornell/living-environment/housing/mary-donlon-hall', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="harvard">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "harvard1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "harvard2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "harvard3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Harvard &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/harvard/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Are there comfortable places to study?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "harvard_campus_2.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/harvard/academics/classes/5', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="dartmouth">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "dartmouth1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "dartmouth2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "dartmouth3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Dartmouth &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/dartmouth/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Do professors make things easy to understand?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "dartmouth_professors_1.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/dartmouth/academics/professors/1', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="pitt">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pittsburgh1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pittsburgh2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pittsburgh3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Pitt &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/university-of-pittsburgh/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Neuroscience: What are people in the major like? How would you stereotype them?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "pitt_neuroscience_8.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/university-of-pittsburgh/academics/majors/neuroscience/8', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="wisconsin">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "university-of-wisconsin1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "university-of-wisconsin2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "university-of-wisconsin3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Wisconsin &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/university-of-wisconsin/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>How much will not partying limit your social life?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "wisconsin_parties_3.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/university-of-wisconsin/social-life/parties/3', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="colgate">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "colgate1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "colgate2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "colgate3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Colgate &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/colgate/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Who wouldn't fit in?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "colgate_social_atmosphere_2.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/colgate/social-life/social-atmosphere/2', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="adelphi">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "adelphi-university1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "adelphi-university2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "adelphi-university3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Adelphi &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/adelphi-university/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>How's the on-campus food (taste, price, health, convenience, hours, variety...)?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "adelphi_food_1.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/adelphi-university/living-environment/food/1', class: 'read_more' %>
    <ul id="left" class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
        <li id="columbia" class="active"><a href="#columbia">Columbia</a></li>
        <li id="princeton"><a href="#princeton">Princeton</a></li>
        <li id="brown"><a href="#brown">Brown</a></li>
        <li id="penn"><a href="#penn">Penn</a></li>

        <li id="yale"><a href="#yale">Yale</a></li>
        <li id="cornell"><a href="#cornell">Cornell</a></li>
        <li id="harvard"><a href="#harvard">Harvard</a></li>
        <li id="dartmouth"><a href="#dartmouth">Dartmouth</a></li>

        <li id="pitt"><a href="#pitt">Pitt</a></li>
        <li id="wisconsin"><a href="#wisconsin">Wisconsin</a></li>
        <li id="colgate"><a href="#colgate">Colgate</a></li>
        <li id="adelphi"><a href="#adelphi">Adelphi</a></li>

<div id="notify">
    <p>Right now I only have reviews for those 12 schools. Enter your email below to be notified when there's more!</p>
    <span id="notify_span">
        <%= simple_form_for :subscribe, url: 'subscribe' do |f| %>
            <%= f.input :email, placeholder: 'user@domain.com', label: false, required: true %> <br/>
            <%= f.button :submit, "1-Click Sign Up", class: "btn btn-primary", data: { :disable_with => "Submitting..." } %>
        <% end %>

<ul id="bottom_links">
    <li><%= link_to "I Graduated High School. Now What?", "/i-graduated-high-school-now-what" %></li>
    <li><%= link_to "How to Choose a College", "/how-to-choose-a-college" %></li>
    <li><%= link_to "How College Inside View Got Started", "https://medium.com/what-i-learned-building/322e8668ed6f" %></li>


$('#columbia > a, #princeton > a, #brown > a, #penn > a, #harvard > a, #yale > a, #cornell > a, #dartmouth > a, #pitt > a, #wisconsin > a, #colgate > a, #adelphi > a').click(function (e) {


@import "bootstrap";
@import "animations";

#home_css {
    max-height: 1200px !important;
    #the_deal {
        float: right;
        font-size: 12px;
    #heading {
        font-size: 42px;
        clear: right;
        margin-bottom: 15px;
    .tab-content {
        overflow: hidden;
        .tab-pane {
            .picture {
                margin: 0px;
            .school_link {
                display: block;
                text-align: center;
                background-color: beige;
                margin-top: -5px;
                padding: 3px 0px;
                margin-bottom: 20px;
            .right {
                float: right;
                clear: both;
                width: 490px;
                height: 590px;
                .question {
                    position: relative;
                    left: 15px;
                .read_more {
                    display: block;
                    position: relative;
                    left: 15px;
                    top: 10px;
    #left {
        float: left;
        clear: left;
        width: 380px;
        padding-left: 0px;
        position: relative;
        bottom: 590px;
        height: 590px;
    #notify, #bottom_links {
        position: relative;
        bottom: 575px;
    #notify {
        clear: both;
        background-color: aliceblue;
        text-align: center;
        padding: 30px 0px;
        border-top: 2px solid lightgray;
        border-bottom: 2px solid lightgray;
        p {
            font-family: 'Arvo', serif;
        #notify_span {
            display: block;
            margin-top: 25px;
            form {
                height: 44px;
            input[type=email] {
                width: 400px;
                height: 35px;
                font-family: monospace;
                font-size: 20px;
                position: relative;
                right: 85px;
            .btn-primary {
                height: 43px;
                width: 137px;
                position: relative;
                bottom: 85px;
                left: 215px;
                font-size: 16px;
    #bottom_links {
        list-style-type: none;
        text-align: center;
        margin-top: 10px;
        margin-bottom: -1000px;
        li {
            display: inline;
            margin-right: 60px;
            font-size: 12px;

The structure of your html between your working and not working divs is different.

        <div class="tab-pane fade active in" id="columbia">
            <%= image_tag "columbia1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "columbia2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "columbia3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Columbia &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/columbia/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>How does the workload impact your social life?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "columbia_social_atmosphere_7.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/columbia/social-life/social-atmosphere/7', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="princeton">
            <%= image_tag "princeton1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "princeton2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "princeton3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Princeton &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/princeton/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>How would you make your classes better?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "princeton_classes_6.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/princeton/academics/classes/6', class: 'read_more' %>
        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="brown">
            <%= image_tag "brown1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "brown2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= image_tag "brown3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
            <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Brown &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/brown/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Are people intellectual? Do they have thoughtful conversations with each other?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "brown_social_atmosphere_5.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/brown/social-life/social-atmosphere/5', class: 'read_more' %>

Above are the ones that do not work. Below is the first one that does.

        <div class="tab-pane fade" id="penn">
            <div class="left_pane"> 
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pennsylvania1.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pennsylvania2.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= image_tag "university-of-pennsylvania3.jpg", size: "297x187", class: 'picture' %>
                <%= link_to "&bull; &bull; Read more about Penn &bull; &bull;".html_safe, "/university-of-pennsylvania/academics/professors/1", class: 'school_link' %>
            <div class="right">
                <p class="question" class="well"><strong>Are your classes too hard, or too easy? Why?</strong></p>
                <%= image_tag "penn_dificulty_4.png", class: 'answers' %>
                <%= link_to '--read more--', '/university-of-pennsylvania/academics/difficulty/4', class: 'read_more' %>

A quick comparison between the two tells me that the structure of the colleges that do work is like this

<div id="columbia">
  <div class="left_pane" >
    <a>relevant link</a>
  <div class="right" >

While the sections that do not work are structured like this

<div id="columbia">
  <a>relevant link</a>
  <div class="right" >

This difference in structure appears to be messing up some javascript selectors on your page. I don't see anything in the code you posted that would be messed up by this structure difference, but I do not think it is a coincidence...

Even if you do change the structure to use classes instead of ids (a good choice in my opinion), it is probably a good idea to figure out what exactly was getting tripped up over this difference in structure, as it may cause other problems later on.

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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