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MYSQL (NOT IN) query is very slow

i don't know why this query take 45 min to give me the result

table1= 831293 row

table2= 2000.000 row

SELECT ID, name FROM table1 WHERE name not IN (SELECT name FROM table2 )  LIMIT 831293

my.cnf file look like this :

max_allowed_packet  = 64M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 8G
innodb_log_file_size    = 256M 
query_cache_type        = 1
query_cache_limit   = 1M

This select is very expensive because in the worst case for every record in table1 you must go through 2.000.000 records in table2. I am not MySQL specialist, but on the Oracle platform I would consider indexing and table spaces for table2.

BTW, the LIMIT part is useless.

Do you have an index on name?

If you have to loop each time through table2 per row, you effectively loop through 831293*200000 rows, which is a lot.

When you have an index on name, you can get a major performance increase, as it is easier to search for a name in this index. (probably even O(1) as there will probably be a hashtable)

you can do this as follows

ALTER TABLE `table2` ADD INDEX (`name`)

I think using Exist will be faster.Try This

select Id,name from
    select table1.ID as ID, table1.name as name  
    FROM table1 inner join table2 
    on table1.name=table2.name
    select 1  
    FROM table1 inner join table2 
    on table1.name=table2.name);

agreed on: (a) add the indexes and (b) the limit clause is useless.

consider a 'left outer join' - it will bring all rows from the "left" table even where no join value in the "right" table exists - then you filter out the non-desired "right" values.

something like:

SELECT t1.ID, t1.name 
FROM table1 t1 left outer join table2 t2 
on t1.name = t2.name
where t2.name is null;

note: sql above assumes name is unique in t2, and not unique in t1.

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