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Laravel Mail Not Sending Via Queue

I just set up a beanstalkd / supervisor config on my server. The queues are working, but when I try and use Laravel's Mail function in conjunction, the emails are not sending.

I do use gmail for sending out mails, which has not been an issue when using Mail::send in my other normal code. It seems to only not send when I try via a queue.


Route::get('/', function() {

  $test = "my name";

  Queue::push('DuplicateAccount', $test);  



class DuplicateAccount {

  public static function fire($job, $data) {




  public static function send($data) {

    $admin = 'MyEmail';

    Mail::send('emails.admin.duplicate', array('duplicate'=>$data), function($message) use ($admin) {
      $message->to($admin, 'MyName')->subject('Subscription Duplicate');

    Log::info('a. Mail '.$data.' to '.$admin.'.');



There was an issue with my mail driver settings apparently. Most likely an issue with gmail and my php.ini configuration when handling the serialization of the queue'd emails.

I changed to smtp and it started to work.

I think you need to start Queue Listener

php artisan queue:listen

please visit the link( http://laravel.com/docs/queues#running-the-queue-listener )

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