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I have problem in sending mail in laravel with queue and scheduler

I am using laravel and i need to send mail. I configured cron job and scheduler but i have a peculiar problem.

I can see that my tasks were entering the jobs table.but,when the queue:work execute by cron job and scheduler the Jobs table be empty and also failed-jobs empty, too and I have not received any email.

My cron job command :

usr/local/phpcron/Isphplaravel73 / LaravelApp-path/artisan schedule:run >>/dev/null 2>&1

app/console/kernel.php :

    Protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    $this->command('queue:work')->withoutOverlapping() ;

Thank you for your help.

You Have to Run Laravel schedule:run command each minute, following method will be use,

1. Make a cronjob into Linux

To edit or create crontab file, type the following command at the UNIX / Linux shell prompt:

$ crontab -e

then write Laravel Command in crontab

* * * * * usr/local/phpcron/Isphplaravel73 / LaravelApp-path/artisan schedule:run >>/dev/null 2>&1

2. Make a cronjob into your cPanel shared hosting In this step, we have to define cPanel cronjob for running our laravel schedule in every minute. For that, login into cPanel and goto Cron Jobs option then create a new cronjob like below. Select Once Per Minute option from Common Settings dropdown box.

  • In the command text box put the value according to this format.
  • Format: /usr/local/bin/php /home/hosting_user_name/your_artisan_file_path schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
  • After putting the command in the command text box, click the Add New Cron Job button.
  • 在此处输入图片说明

    if Still not Working Check job output on each job run

    Protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
        $this->command('queue:work')->withoutOverlapping()->sendOutputTo($filePath) ;

    sendOutputTo laravel method for get output in file. https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/scheduling#task-output

    It's not laravel or php issue, it's the server's fault. I have had this issue before, either buy premium email or use gmail smtp. Server's default emails does not work with cron as per my experience.

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