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Javascript add bold text to a frame

I want to add bold to the (see illustration). If I do this:

        sel = this.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
        var caretPosition = sel.endOffset;
        var existingText = this.iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body.innerText;

        var before = existingText.substring(0, caretPosition);
        var after = existingText.substring(caretPosition);

        this.iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML= before 
        +'**<b>**(see illustration)**</b>** ' + after;

Then all the text that i write after (see illustration becomes bold).


If you want to create an editable iframe with Bold, Italic or other commands you can use the underlying browser commands which you can fire through the execCommand method.

You could see there resources for more information:

These method is supported by all modern browsers.

I've provided a simple example that shows you how execCommand works

<iframe id = "my-editable">
        <body contenteditable = "true">

JavaScript code:

var iframe = document.getElementById('my-editable');
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;

// type and select some text into iframe
// For making selected text to be bold, just execute the following command


var body = iframeDoc.body;
body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML + '<b>' + 'your bold text' + '</b>' + 'your boldless text'

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