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Google authenticator invalid barcode on scan

here's my code in generating the qr code

public function getUrl($user, $hostname, $secret) {
      $encoder = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&chld=M%70&cht=qr&chl=";
      $encoderURL = sprintf( "%sotpauth://totp/%s@%s",$encoder, $user, $hostname);
      $finalEncodorURL = $encoderURL . "%26secret=". urlencode($secret);
      return $finalEncodorURL;

supposedly this will generate a qr code, and it does. but when i scan this code using google authenticator app, it will generate an error

The barcode 'otpauth://totp/user4@noemail.com&secret=UOPKN6QFW3J6PW74' is not a valid authentication barcode.

but when "manual entry" using the secret key, it'll work and i can login just fine using the generated key.

i found stuffs in the internet saying i should urlencode the data, i did, but still it wont work.

here's a sample url generated by the function above:


am i missing something or did something wrong?

Just replace &secret= with ?secret= (don't forget to url-encode).

Also I don't know if this is the case here but the account name cannot have a space. It would work if you scan with Androids, but not with iPhones (go figure!)

It appears that both Google and IOS Authenticator apps don't like spaces in the 'Account Name' in OTP QR Codes. Replace them with something like - or _ or remove them.

The Windows phone app allows spaces and a version I installed on a Android Phone 6 months ago worked. I didn't get chance to test IOS but it looks like IOS has an issue. Entering the key manually works just fine but not scanning a QR Code with a SPACE in it.

You should fully URL encode the data that you pass to the charts API.


That should ensure that the data is encoded properly.

Replace the spaces by %20 in QR code URL. This issue occurs only in Google Authenticator iOS App. In Android, it works without replacing spaces.

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