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How to bind a windows form control to data with an IValueConverter

I'm trying to change the background color of a form control based on a color in my datasource. I've got the binding to work without any conversion. How to I use an IValueConverter I've written to do the same?

Example Binding without conversion:

this.panel1.DataBindings.Add(new Binding(

For example:

<UserControl myControls="clr-namespace:MyProjectRef">


        <myControls:MyValueConverter x:Key="myConverter"/>


    <Grid Background="{Binding MyCurrentBackgroundProperty, Converter={StaticResource myConverter}}"/>



Sorry, I failed to see this is a Windows Forms issue.

Use the Format and Parse events on your binding to effectively create your value converter.

Binding backgroundBinding = new Binding("BackColor", dataSource, "selectedColor", false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);

backgroundBinding.Parse += OnParseBackgroundBinding;
backgroundBinding.Format += OnFormatBackgroundBinding;


private void OnParseBackgroundBinding(object sender, ConvertEventArgs args)
    // this is called when the value of the binding changes
    Color background = (Color)args.Value;

    // do your conversion here...
    args.Value = ...

private void OnFormatBackgroundBinding(object sender, ConvertEventArgs args)
    // this is called when the property of the binding changes

    // do conversion here if necessary...

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