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Javascript Distinguish between Composition vs. Inheritance

in the classfull-Style (c++) or in the traditional Design Patterns (GofPatterns) it is really clear, what is the difference between composition and inheritance and how it is implemented and when to use what (advantages/disadvantages).

But how do you distingish between Composition or the "normal" Inheritance in JS? or it is used as the same term?

Is a prototype inheritance for example defined as a composition or inheritance?

What are you guys thinking?

Is a prototype inheritance for example defined as a composition or inheritance?

What are you guys thinking?

It is not about what I'm thinking but what the language core provides …

in the classfull-Style (c++) or in the traditional Design Patterns (GofPatterns) it is really clear, what is the difference between composition and inheritance and how it is implemented and when to use what (advantages/disadvantages).

But how do you distingish between Composition or the "normal" Inheritance in JS? or it is used as the same term?

… and of course one shouldn't bend concepts to much. Thus for JavaScript too, composition and inheritance count as much as for any other PL that supports these paradigms. JavaScript features Delegation , which already enables two variants of Code-reuse . Firstly, Inheritance , which in JavaScript is covered by a delegation automatism that is bound to the [prototype] property of constructor functions. Secondly, Object Composition , which is based on explicitly delegating a function via one of it's call methods ( [call] or [apply] ).

Summing it up:

  • Prototypal Delegation (Automatism) == Inheritance
  • Explicit Delegation of Function Objects == Role based composition concepts like Mixins and Traits / Talents
  • stepwise copying properties from one objects to another == another way of achieving kind of mixin composition

I already did provide examples in two other responses that are …

As I first learned Java, I was tempted to try to do the same thing with Javascript. But it was a wrong idea. Javascript allows to do oriented-object programming. The way OOP is done with Javascript is different from C++ or Java: it is the way you use it that allows OOP, not the language itself.

I recommend you these links to properly learn about how Javascript can be used:



    //Composition is one class is compsed of many objects of other classes. Composition is HAS-A relationship or containment
    //Inheritance is extension of super class IS-A relationship or specialization 

    class Addition{
            return a+b;
    class Subtraction{
            return a-b;
    class Multiplication{
            return a*b;
    class Division{
            return a/b;
    class CalculatorTest{
            let objAdd=new Addition();
            let objSubtract=new Subtraction();
            let objMultiply=new Multiplication();
            let objDivide=new Division();

    let c1=new CalculatorTest(10,10);

    //Inheritance Example
    //Super Class
    class Addition{
            return a+b;

    //Sub Class extends the functionality of super class
    class CalculatorTest extends Addition{
    let c1=new CalculatorTest(10,10);


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