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C dynamic allocation of struct

I have a problem trying to dynamically allocate a struct in C:

typedef struct
    uint8_t wifiSSID[30];
    uint8_t wifiPassword[20];

typedef struct
    tWifiPair *wifiNetworks; // this needs to become an array with 2 elements
    // if I do the above like this tWifiPair wifiNetworks[1] - all works fine

tEEPROMSettings gEEPROMSettings;

int main()
    gEEPROMSettings.wifiNetworks = (tWifiPair *)calloc(2, sizeof(tWifiPair));

    // .... writing to gEEPROMSettings.wifiNetworks[0].wifiSSID crashes the program, unfortunately I can't see the error, but the compiler doesn't throw any errors/warnings

If this tWifiPair *wifiNetworks is done staticly - tWifiPair wifiNetworks[1] - it works fine, but I need to do it dynamically and possibly change it while the program is running.

This is running on an embedded platform - ARM tm4c1294ncpdt, compiler is CCS6.

Can you point me to where the error is? Thanks!

You need to check the return value of calloc to make sure it succeeded.

On success, a pointer to the memory block allocated by the function. The type of this pointer is always void*, which can be cast to the desired type of data pointer in order to be dereferenceable. If the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory, a null pointer is returned.

From this reference

Now, if calloc is failing, that is another question.

Updating with info from comments for others reading:

This appears to be an embedded system, which may have a small heap configured. calloc does return NULL , so the allocation is failing. Depending on your compiler/linker, you may need to adjust a linker script, scatter file, or project options to change the heap size.

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