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XAML MultiBinding StringFormat

I cannot figure out my MultiBinding StringFormat behavior. I have a DataContext which defines a numeric range via the properties MinIncl and MaxIncl. I want to create a tooltip using MultiBinding to create a tip like "1.0 to 999.0". I try the following code:

                 <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0:F1} to {1:F1}">
                    <Binding Path="SelectedTrainingScriptParameter.MinimumInclusive"/>
                    <Binding Path="SelectedTrainingScriptParameter.MaximumInclusive"/>

The resulting tooltip is "to 999.0 1.0". So it has reversed the range and put the word "to" first.

If I remove the spaces and try "{}{0:F1}to{1:F1}", I get the right answer: "1.0to999.0".

Seriously, why does the whitespace and word "to" break this thing?



In this case you don't need a multi, just use the same TextBlock instead like;

   <Run Text="{Binding Path=SelectedTrainingScriptParameter.MinimumInclusive}"/>
   <Run Text="to"/>
   <Run Text="{Binding Path=SelectedTrainingScriptParameter.MaximumInclusive}"/>

Or if you really want to use it as is;

        <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} to {1}">
            <Binding Path="SelectedTrainingScriptParameter.MinimumInclusive" />
            <Binding Path="SelectedTrainingScriptParameter.MaximumInclusive" />

As to the weird whitespace thing, no idea sorry. Hope this helps, cheers.

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