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Same ID error while adding dynamic controls to table in ASP .NET

I have added controls dynamically to a table in ASP .NET by letting user enter the required no of rows. The sample code of the addRow() function is:

HtmlTableCell cell_1 = new HtmlTableCell();
HtmlTableCell cell_2 = new HtmlTableCell();
l = new Label();
nomenclature = new TextBox();
unit = new TextBox();

row[i] = new HtmlTableRow();

label.Text = "" +(i+ 1);           

nomenclature.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
nomenclature.Rows = 5;
nomenclature.Columns = 40;
nomenclature.Text = "NA";


Now after successfully adding the rows, when i refresh the page and again try to add new Rows, It gives me sameID ' nomenclature0 ' error.

Please help me regarding this,

Thanks in Advance,

I havent enough info about your code.

Two possible solutions:

1) Try this "table_items.Controls.Clear();" before call addRows Function.

2) if ispostback, dont fill table.

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