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MongoDB update $pull document from multiple arrays

I have a document with the following structure (simplified):

    "containers": [
        "containerId": 1,
        "components": ["component1", "component2"]
        "containerId": 2,
        "components": ["component3", "component1"]

How would one write a query that removes "component1" from BOTH containers? Is this possible?

So far I've tried doing {"$pullAll": { "containers.$.component": ["component1"]}} , a similar query with $pull , setting multi: true but I always end up removing the component from the first array only (I'm using .update() )

EDIT: Raw data ahead!

    "_id" : ObjectId("53a056cebe56154c99dc950b"),
    "_embedded" : {
        "click" : {
            "items" : [],
            "_links" : {
                "self" : {
                    "href" : "http://localhost/v1/click"
        "container" : {
            "_links" : {
                "self" : {
                    "href" : "http://localhost/v1/container"
            "items" : [ 
                    "name" : "Container test",
                    "uriName" : "Container_test",
                    "description" : "this is a test container",
                    "containerId" : "CONTAINER TEST+SITE_TEST",
                    "component" : [ 
                        "ANOTHER COMPONENT+SITE_TEST", 
                        "ANOTHER COMPONENT+SITE_TEST", 
                    "_links" : {
                        "self" : {
                            "href" : "http://localhost/v1/container/CONTAINER TEST+SITE_TEST"
                    "name" : "sasasa",
                    "uriName" : "sasasa",
                    "description" : "container description",
                    "containerId" : "SASASA+SITE_TEST",
                    "component" : [ 
                        "ANOTHER COMPONENT+SITE_TEST", 
                    "_links" : {
                        "self" : {
                            "href" : "/v1/container/SASASA+SITE_TEST"
    "name" : "SITE_TEST",
    "siteId" : "SITE_TEST",
    "url" : "/v1/site"

Ok, so what I'm trying to do is remove the component "SARASA+SITE_TEST" from the two containers. I'm using robomongo to test the queries. I've tried db.site.update({"_embedded.container.items.component": "SARASA+SITE_TEST"},{"$pullAll": { "_embedded.container.items.component": ["SARASA+SITE_TEST"]}}, {multi: true}) and it didn't work, previously I've tried db.site.update({"_embedded.container.items.component": "SARASA+SITE_TEST"},{"$pull": { "_embedded.container.items.$.component": "SARASA+SITE_TEST"}}, {"multi": true}) and it didn't work either. I assume robomongo exposes the mongo driver directly, I didn't try to run this from the command line.

(the document is a "site", that's why my queries start with db.site)

I had a similar problem and I tried $pullAll and it worked.


I tried the simplified version of your data and $pull works:

> db.testcoll.insert({"containers": {"containreId": 1, "components": ["component1", "component2"]}})
> db.testcoll.insert({"containers": {"containreId": 2, "components": ["component3", "component1"]}})
> db.testcoll.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53a8428ca2696f063b5c51eb"), "containers" : { "containreId" : 1, "components" : [  "component1",  "component2" ] } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53a8429ea2696f063b5c51ec"), "containers" : { "containreId" : 2, "components" : [  "component3",  "component1" ] } }
> db.testcoll.update({"containers.components": "component1"}, {$pull: {"containers.components": "component1"}}, {multi: true})
> db.testcoll.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53a8428ca2696f063b5c51eb"), "containers" : { "components" : [  "component2" ], "containreId" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53a8429ea2696f063b5c51ec"), "containers" : { "components" : [  "component3" ], "containreId" : 2 } }

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