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How to get documents from CouchDB database in Node.js

I'm developing a simple application using CouchDB and Node.js. I have few documents in my database and created a view to retrieve the documents. How can I get the view from CouchDB in my javascript file?

 app.get('/find', function(req, res){

var cradle = require('cradle');
var connection = new(cradle.Connection)('http://localhost:5984/', 443);
var db = connection.database('db');

db.view('_design/usersView/users', function (err, response) {

The response says: undefined

Try querying the view like this

db.view('usersView/users', function (err, response) {

You don't need a _design/ with cradle (although you need that if you query it with default couchdb api)

Also I think it would be better if you moved the connection and the require statements out of the the controller.

I solved the problem. Just sent http get request to couchDB api to retrieve the view with this command:

db.get('_design/usersView/_view/users', function (err, doc) {

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