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cancel Service when user clicks Notification

Similar to this post I got a service that does some work in the background. When the service starts, I'm displaying a notification. Usually you can assing an intent to the notification that is triggered when the user clicks onto the notification. Mostly an activity is then started.

But how can I use a notification to inform the background service that the user want's to cancel its operation?

You can have a BroadcastReceiver to stop the Service, which is triggered through the PendingIntent of the Notification.

Have a look at the PendingIntent.getBroadcast(...) and use it instead of the PendingIntent.getActivity() method. You can use it like this:

  Intent broadcastIntent = new Intent(context, YourBroadcastReceiver.class);      
  PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, broadcastIntent, 0);
  Notification noti = new Notification.Builder(this)


The BroadcastReceiver could be an inner class in your Service to simply call stopService() in the onReceive() method.

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