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How can I write a function that, given a pointer to a map, returns a pointer to a specific element in the map?

I have a map:

std::map<int,float> m1;

I want to pass a pointer to that map to a function that will iterate over the map and return a pointer to a particular element in that map based on some condition.

float *foo(map<int,float> *m1){
  float *result;
  for(map<int,float>::iterator it = m1->begin(); it != m1->end(); it++)
      if (condition)
          result = &(it->second);
  return result;

This code did not compile. I'm having trouble seeing what is a pointer and what isn't. Also how does passing a pointer to the map affect the iterator loop ?


Don't write your own function, use the standard library : std::find_if is what you are looking for :

auto it = std::find_if (m1.begin(), m1.end(), TestFunction);
if(it != m1.end())

The iterator (ite) is a stack variable and and you returns a pointer to a variable in the stack (&ite->second). This is wrong.

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