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How can I Delete Files That Do Not Contain Certain Characters Using Windows Batch File?

How can I delete files that do not end with the pattern .PDF_*.pdf ?


I have been trying all sorts of variations around the following syntax:

FOR %%F IN (%varFolderSource%\*.*) DO IF NOT "%%~xF" == "*_*" DEL /F /S "%%F"

But I can't seem to crack it.

%varFolderSource% is a folder path: C:\Temp etc.

I am running this in a Windows 7 batch file.

For /f "delims=" %A in ('dir /b /a-d ^|findstr /i /v /e /r "\.PDF_[a-z0-9]*\.pdf"') do echo %A


for /?
findstr /?

In a batch file use %%A rather than %A at command prompt.

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