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Java compile missing return statement error

I am trying to learning java, by goofing around and creating different things such as this dice example. However, in the class below I am stuck on this missing return, but I am not sure why. All help is appreciated!

Test1.java:12: error: missing return statement } ^ 1 error

import java.util.Random;

class Char
    Random r = new Random();
    int nSides;

    public int Die(int sides)
        this.nSides = sides;
        r = new Random();   

    public int roll()
        return r.nextInt(nSides + 1);

    public int roll(int times)
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
        sum += roll();
        return sum;


It looks like you were trying to write a constructor, which naturally has no return value. A constructor must have the same name as the class that it constructs .

Replace public int Die with the following.

public Char(int sides)
    this.nSides = sides;
    r = new Random();   

Alternately, you can rename your class Die .

public class Die {
    public Die(int sides)
       this.nSides = sides;
       r = new Random();   
// Rest of your code

You need to say

public Char(int sides)

or, assuming that you want the class really to be called "Die", change the class declaration to:

class Die

and the constructor (?) line to:

public Die(int sides)

(removing the "int").

In function Die apply return statement:

public int Die(int sides)
    this.nSides = sides;
    r = new Random(); 
    return 0; // whatever you want to return 

or remove int before die and make it void .

public void Die(int sides)
    this.nSides = sides;
    r = new Random(); 

Looks like you're trying to create a class called Die and that's meant to be its constructor. Try this:

import java.util.Random;

class Die {
    private Random r = new Random();
    private final int nSides;

    public Die(int sides) {
        this.nSides = sides;

    // rest of class omitted


  • Constructors don't declare a return type and are named the same as the class.
  • No need to re-initialize the Random field (line removed)
  • Better to declare nSides as final (see code)
  • Better to make all fields private

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