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How to Skip implementation of interface in class

Interface - I1 (contains M1 method) Class - C1:I1 (c1 implements I1) Class - C2:C1 (C2 inherits C1)

interface I1
    void M1();
class C1 : I1
    void M1(){}
class C2 : C1

Requirement: There should not be any implementation of "M1" in "C1" , basically "M1" needs to be implemented in "C2"

How to achieve this using any of the OOPs concepts?

As long as you can tolerate C1 being abstract, this works:

interface I1
    void M1();

abstract class C1 : I1
    public abstract void M1();

class C2 : C1
    public override void M1()

Edit : As Isantipov noted in the comment you can avoid the abstract class like this:

class C1 : I1
    public virtual void M1()
        throw new NotSupportedException();


You are looking for abstract method [wiki] :

An abstract method is one with only a signature and no implementation body. It is often used to specify that a subclass must provide an implementation of the method. Abstract methods are used to specify interfaces in some computer languages.

Abstract methods in C# :

An abstract method declaration introduces a new virtual method but does not provide an implementation of that method. Instead, non-abstract derived classes are required to provide their own implementation by overriding that method. Because an abstract method provides no actual implementation, the method-body of an abstract method simply consists of a semicolon.

In your case:

interface I1
    void M1();

abstract class C1 : I1
    public abstract void M1();

class C2 : C1
    public override void M1()
        // Your code here

You can either make C1 abstract or you can use Explicit implementation. This means it is implemented, but it is not visible.

class C1 : I1
    void I1.M1(){ throw new NotImplementedException(); }

It is invalid to call it like this:

C1 c1 = new C1();
c1.M1(); //Error

An alternative answer.
You could have multiple interfaces. .NET Fiddle

interface I1 
   void someCommonMethod();

interface I2 
   void M1();

Then your classes can inherit like this.

class C1 : I1
    public void someCommonMethod()

class C2 : C1, I2
    public void M1()

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