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XML Signature Value mismatch issue

I have an issue with XML Signature value mismatch error. Full Scenario

  • I generated a private 1024 bit key with OpenSSL.
  • I generated the CSR with that private key and sent it to VISA, they have signed the document with their root CA certificate and sent me a signed certificate in the .pem format.
  • I use the following java code to sign an XML document.

When i send the data back to VISA they verify the signature value and send an error of mismatch.

XMLSignatureFactory factory = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM", (Provider) Class.forName(providerName).newInstance());

DigestMethod digestMethod = factory.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null);
factory.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED, (TransformParameterSpec) null);

Reference reference = factory.newReference("#" + paresId, digestMethod, null, null,null);
CanonicalizationMethod canonicalizationMethod = factory.newCanonicalizationMethod(CanonicalizationMethod.INCLUSIVE, (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null);
SignatureMethod signatureMethod = factory.newSignatureMethod(SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1, null);
SignedInfo signedInfo = factory.newSignedInfo(canonicalizationMethod, signatureMethod, Collections.singletonList(reference));

KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
KeyPair keyPair = kpg.generateKeyPair();
KeyInfoFactory keyInfoFactory = factory.getKeyInfoFactory();

KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS"); //PKC#7
keyStore.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePath), "dell12345".toCharArray());

KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry keyEntry =
    (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) keyStore.getEntry("deskey", new KeyStore.PasswordProtection("dell12345".toCharArray()));

//PrivateKey m_objRequestSigningKey = (PrivateKey) obj_keyStore.getKey(str_alias, "password".toCharArray());

KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry rootEntry = (KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry) keyStore.getEntry("root", null);
X509Certificate rootCertificate = (X509Certificate) rootEntry.getTrustedCertificate();

KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry intermediateEntry = (KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry) keyStore.getEntry("intermediate", null);
X509Certificate intermediateCertificate = (X509Certificate) intermediateEntry.getTrustedCertificate();

KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry signEntry = (KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry) keyStore.getEntry("sign", null);
X509Certificate sigingCertificate = (X509Certificate) signEntry.getTrustedCertificate(); 

List<X509Certificate> x509 = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>();
x509.add(rootCertificate );
x509.add(intermediateCertificate );
x509.add(sigingCertificate );

X509Data x509Data = keyInfoFactory.newX509Data(x509);

List<X509Data> items = new ArrayList<X509Data>();

KeyInfo keyInfo = keyInfoFactory.newKeyInfo(items);

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
Document doc =    dbf.newDocumentBuilder().parse(IOUtils.toInputStream(inputXml));

DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(keyEntry.getPrivateKey(), doc.getDocumentElement());

XMLSignature signature = factory.newXMLSignature(signedInfo, keyInfo);

Sorry, after a long time I am going to answer the question which I have posted 5 years back.

Actually, the problem was basically with the XML formatting, I removed the next line and carriage return characters from XML and send back to Visa and then my signature was match properly.

I don't know why they giving the error even I mentioned the CanonicalizationMethod properly.

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