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MySQL Selecting Results using a wild card Not working

Hi my table data look like this

mysql> SELECT * FROM user_details
    -> ;
| ID | UserName | Type | Age |
|  2 | bandara  |    2 |  26 |
|  3 | panama   |    1 |  12 |
|  4 | sunil    |    2 | 100 |
|  5 | aaa      |    1 |  50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

iI used a wildcard to select all recods starting from either b or p , but the result set is empty , what i am doing wrong here , please help , thanks in advance.

mysql> SELECT * FROM user_details WHERE UserName LIKE  '[bp]%';
Empty set (0.00 sec)


SELECT * FROM user_details WHERE UserName LIKE  'b%' OR UserName LIKE 'p%';


mysql> SELECT * FROM user_details WHERE (UserName LIKE  'b%') OR (UserName LIKE 'p%');


SELECT * FROM user_details WHERE UserName REGEXP '^[bp]';

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