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[Symfony2][PhpUnit] How get/set user object for functionnals tests

I'm here today because I'm doing my functionnal tests for my symfony2 application and, I have a little problem : I can login the TestUser for my tests (passing server argument during the client creation), but when i just want to access to my User Object (by my tests, in controllers), he is empty.

It is logical because I don't create the object passing by the login page but I didn't find the issue for this problem, can you help me?

(I know I can do an "init function" witch call the login page, submit the login form etc... but i found it preety dirty, because i have to call her before EACH test, so... no)

Thank's ;)

I found my answer HERE

A function like :

private function logIn()
    $session = $this->client->getContainer()->get('session');

    $firewall = 'FIREWALL_NAME'; //set in security_test.yml
    $token = new UsernamePasswordToken('PASSWORD', null, $firewall, array('ROLE_ADMIN'));
    $session->set('_security_'.$firewall, serialize($token));

    $cookie = new Cookie($session->getName(), $session->getId());

Will do the Job (creation of session's cookie)

Use a function witch set the server variable in client Request :

array('PHP_AUTH_USER' => 'username', 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => 'pa$$word')


Have Fun :)

If you want to use a real user object you should use TestFixtures like DoctrineTestFixtures .

Fixtures provides test data, in a seperate test database, in my opinion they should used in every functional test


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