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phpunit + Symfony2: There is no message specifying which tests are failing

When I run phpunit -c app this is the output:

PHPUnit 5.1.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

WF.FFF..............                                              20 / 20 

Time: 19.65 seconds, Memory: 18.00Mb

There was 1 warning:

1) Warning
No tests found in class "Sheik\RobotBundle\Tests\Controller\CrawlerControllerTest".

Tests: 20, Assertions: 21, Failures: 4, Warnings: 1.

I am working with Symfony 2.5 in Ubuntu 16.04. Before updating to Ubuntu 16.04 there use to be a message for each failure specifying which test was failing.

Here is my app/phpunit.xml.dist:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- http://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/appendixes.configuration.html -->
    backupGlobals               = "false"
    backupStaticAttributes      = "false"
    colors                      = "true"
    convertErrorsToExceptions   = "true"
    convertNoticesToExceptions  = "true"
    convertWarningsToExceptions = "true"
    processIsolation            = "false"
    stopOnFailure               = "false"
    syntaxCheck                 = "false"
    bootstrap                   = "bootstrap.php.cache" >

        <testsuite name="Project Test Suite">

        <server name="KERNEL_DIR" value="/path/to/your/app/" />



I tried the sugestions in this other question: PHPUnit problem - no error messages but error_reporting was already set to E_ALL | E_STRICT and display_errors to On in my php.ini.

I will apreciate any other sugestions or tips.

Just for the record, and maybe it could help someone as work around, using phpunit -c app src/yourVendor/yourBundle/Tests/
will display the missing messages of failure with each route to the failing test.

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