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mysql database PHP table

I currently have a database on mysql with some products and I am printing them in a table, as you can see here:


Well thats fine for now but... I want to set certain images to the products name. For example, I would go on top of the name "Jeans Fit" (hover in css) and it would appear the products image. How can I set certain images to the products names? Not randomly, I want to choose each one, if you could guide me on this one ...

Here is my code to print the table:


// to prevent undefined index notice
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : "";
$name = isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : "";

    echo "<div>" . $name . " foi adicionado ao carrinho</div>";

    echo "<div>" . $name . " já existe no carrinho</div>";

require "libs/DbConnect.php";

// page is the current page, if there's nothing set, default is page 1
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;

// set records or rows of data per page
$recordsPerPage = 6;

// calculate for the query LIMIT clause
$fromRecordNum = ($recordsPerPage * $page) - $recordsPerPage;
// select all data
$query = "SELECT 
            id, name,price 
        ORDER BY 
            {$fromRecordNum}, {$recordsPerPage}";

            page and its LIMIT clause looks like:
            1 = 0, 5
            2 = 5,10
            3 = 10,15
            4 = 15, 20
            5 = 20, 25

$stmt = $con->prepare( $query );

//this is how to get number of rows returned
$num = $stmt->rowCount();

    echo "<table border='0'>";//start table

        // our table heading
        echo "<tr>";
            echo "<th class='textAligncenter'>Nome Produto</th>";
            echo "<th>Preço (EUR)</th>";
            echo "<th>Acção</th>";
        echo "</tr>";

        while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){

            //creating new table row per record
            echo "<tr>";
                echo "<td>{$name}</td>";
                echo "<td class='textAlignRight'>{$price}</td>";
                echo "<td class='textAlignCenter'>";
                    echo "<a href='addToCart.php?id={$id}&name={$name}' class='customButton'>";
                        echo "<img src='images/add-to-cart.png'  class='imagem2'title='Adicionar ao carrinho' />";
                    echo "</a>";
                echo "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";

    echo "</table>";

// no products in the database
    echo "No products found.";

You could try Change:


<a href='addToCart.php?id={$id}&name={$name}' class='customButton'>


<a href='addToCart.php?id={$id}&name={$name}' onmouseover="document.images['image'].src='images/your_image.jpg' class='customButton'>

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