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Getting Spring (and other libraries) in a Maven world

I am following an online tutorial, and am stuck trying to get Spring libraries to run things with. The instructions are either a little out of date or assume I know how to do things in a Maven world that I do not.

They give web addresses on the Spring site from which they say I can "download the jars". But you can't download jars from any of them; evidently what you can do is find pom.xml fragments and use them to download jars. If you know how.

For example: the tutorial says:

Finally, following is the list of Spring and other libraries to be included in your web application. You simply drag these files and drop them in WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder.










I love the "simply" here.

I have many but not all of these (version 3.2.4). I have googled the library names and used jarfinder for the ones I don't have, but haven't found them all. It seems to me I'm flailing around a bit, just trying this and that until something works. I hate that.

I'm hoping someone can give me a set of steps I should follow when faced with this sort of thing, since we're faced with it all the time. Do I need to stop my current study of programming and learn Maven inside and out so that I can configure the bloody system so I can program again?

Is it a maven project you have?

If so in the pom.xml you just need to place the “pom fragments” in the xml.

ie between the dependencies tags. For example,




Once you have done that run maven install. Under Eclipse it is: run as > maven install.

That will download all the dependences ie jars you have listed into the you local maven repository.

I think the default is C:\\Users\\yourName\\.m2\\repository

Found most of the needed jar files here:


while I downloaded commons-logging here:


My advice is, stop study you program language, Java I guess and learn how to integrate maven dependencies of Spring in your Maven project.


You cannot start the house from the roof

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