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Spring AOP issue with multi maven project

Hi I am using a multi maven spring project with modules in POM

  1. Bhoomi-domain-it
  2. Bhoomi-data-it
  3. Bhoomi-domain
  4. Bhoomi-data
  5. Bhoomi-presentation
  6. Bhoomi-integration-consumer
  7. Bhoomi-integration-provider

With individual pom.xml

I have created a LoggerAspect Class in Bhoomi-presentation module containing

@Pointcut("execution(* *.*(..))")

Question is when i am building project(Bhoomi-presentation-0.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.war) it is only logging logs of class files present in Bhoomi-presentation module not for other module

All other module present as a jar in lib of WAR

Please let me know if i forgot any configuration so that i can log all project logs

I can think of something like this in XML( surely it can be done with annotations as well ) for creating common pointcuts spanning multiple modules

        <aop:pointcut id="appPointcutServices" expression="bean(*Services)" />
        <aop:pointcut id="appPointcutDao" expression="bean(*Dao)" />
        <aop:pointcut id="appPointcutRepository" expression="bean(*Repository)" />

& Then attach these pointcuts with your application defined Advisor

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