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How to get data from another model and pass it to view in CakePHP?

I added this line in my controller :

public $uses = array('DemandeFormation','Formation');

i read it will allow me to use both Formation and DemandeFormation model in my controller : DemandeFormationsController

Here is my function, it seems functionnal to me :

public function lister($id=null) {
    $options=array('conditions' => array('DemandeFormation.utilisateur_id' => $id));

lister.ctp content :

    foreach($demandes as $d)
        echo $nom;

after executing the action, i get two errors on the browser :

Undefined index: Formation [APP\View\DemandeFormations\lister.ctp]
Undefined index:  [APP\View\DemandeFormations\lister.ctp]

What's wrong with my code. I'll appreciate your help and advices.

$formations is returned by a find('all') so it's an array indexed by numeric key, like:

$formations = array(
    0 => array(
        'Formation' => array()
    1 => /* ... */
) ;

So you can't access Formation directly, you need to be able to access it using id .

The simplest way would be to add a belongsTo relationship in your DemandeFormation model:

class DemandeFormation extends AppModel {
    /* ... */
    public $belongsTo = array(
        /* Nothing more because you kept CakePHP foreign key style. */
    ) ;
    /* ... */

Them, you don't need to retrieve the Formation using find('all') and can access your field using, in your foreach loop, simply:


Where name is a field in the Formation table.

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